Renny Ramakers, as co-founder and director of Droog Design, known globally as a game-changing design company, is taking the lead in putting together a program of design and visual art. Leon Ramakers, as former director of the Dutch music company Mojo, will, together with a team from Tiana, ensure that exciting concerts and other events are always on the program.

Our aim is to create an experience for all the senses, an eclectic program of music, art, and design going along with wine and food. The program is contemporary, innovative, and cutting edge. Essential is the beauty of the location, its wild and natural space, which we respect and use as inspiration.

Visual artists and designers will be commissioned to make work for the location, and artists in residence will be invited. The first art pieces have been installed. A new version of the famous tree trunk bench by Dutch designer Jurgen Bey has its bronze-cast classic chairbacks inserted in a huge dead tree that we found on the grounds. Visitors are greeted by a personal map of the area, drawn by Dutch artist Jan Rothuizen based on his observations from walking around Tiana and talking with passersby. The remarkable Can Reon entrance gate has been designed by Dutch designers Edith Gruson and Gerard Hadders, inspired by the Can Reon logo, which has been designed by Cathal MacKee.

May 2022 was the kickoff of the music program, a magical evening with Marco Mezquida, composer, improvisor, and pianist from Barcelona, and Dutch techno-artist Colin Benders, both performing in the Pedrera. In July, we had our second music event, and now we are in full swing preparing the 2023 music program as well as the Can Reon Festival, which has been scheduled for May 27, 2023.